Signature Diamond Name Necklace



  • Once your order has been placed, a bespoke image of your personalised name necklace, will be provided for approval prior to production commencing


  • Each individual uppercase letter is approx. 15.0mm in height


  • 14k Solid Gold
  • Natural Mined Diamonds
  • Colour - G/H
  • Clarity - VS1 / VS2
  • Diamond Weight Approx. 0.06ct per lowercase letter
  • Diamond Weight Approx. 0.13ct per uppercase letter

The estimated production time for this piece is 3-5 weeks from purchase.

Diamond Name Necklace

A personalised touch to your jewellery will always add timeless charm.

The handwritten diamond name necklace lets you show off your individuality with a touch of sparkle.

This name necklace with diamonds carries the charm of personalisation but also shines and sparkles with the brilliance of the natural-mined diamonds.

The handwritten diamond name necklace is handcrafted by our dedicated expert jewellers to perfection, combining the elegance of diamonds and 14k solid gold.

This name necklace with diamonds is more than just jewellery; it's a statement that adds volumes to your style and personality.

Wearing this name necklace with diamonds is like carrying a small piece of your story with you wherever you go. The handwritten font adds an authentic feel, making it a standout accessory in your collection.

Whether it's a gift for your mum or a treat for yourself, the handwritten diamond name necklace is a symbol of timeless charm and individuality. Flaunt your style and make a statement with this dazzling personalised piece.


During manufacturing you will receive update emails notifying you of progress. Once your piece is complete and ready to ship, we will email you with the tracking information. All jewellery requires a signature from the purchaser, in order to be delivered successfully.

FedEx 2-Day: 2 business days - excluding weekends and holidays

FedEx International: 2-6 business days - excluding weekends and holidays

For international orders - you may be required to pay duty and/or VAT. These costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.

Lead Time

All pieces are custom made and estimated production times are 3-5 weeks from purchase.

If your order is urgent, please email and we will do our best to accommodate. Please note; the shipping method is included in the overall lead time of your piece, but does not expedite your order's production time.

Style it with other Argent & Asher pieces
Classic Diamond Tennis Necklace
Yellow Gold (18k)White Gold (18k)Rose Gold (18k)
Bezel Set Diamond Tennis Necklace
Yellow Gold (18k)White Gold (18k)Rose Gold (18k)
Eternal Bond Necklace
Yellow Gold (14k)Rose Gold (14k)White Gold (14k)
Bezel Set Lapis Tennis Necklace
Yellow Gold (14k)Rose Gold (14k)White Gold (14k)

Everyday Jewellery Handcrafted by our Master Jewellers